My First-World outrage of the day! and are now both subscription-based services (they are part of the same streaming network) that, henceforth, will only offer a mere five randomly-chosen free stations per day. I'm furious! These are two of my favorite streaming services of all time! And now I am expected to pay for the privilege of picking my stations?! Never!
I'm kidding about my outrage, of course. I understand that music services have to pay the bills just like anyone else. And, honestly, the membership fee of $60 a year, one that unlocks all six music streaming stations - DI.FM, RadioTunes,,,, and - that are part of Ari Shohat's music network, is not unreasonable; it comes out to $5 a month, which would make it one of the cheapest subscription services out there.
But it comes down to this: I really enjoy, but would I pay to listen to it?